NOT Multiple Personality Syndrome
Most of the time I am obedient, kind, and more concerned about others than me and usually apathetic, indifferent, laidback to the incidents that transpire around. But sometimes I get this feeling. Or should I say feelings? Angry, mad, upset, hurt, confused, lonely, sad, depressed, all in one, deep inside. Nothing in particular has happened, but it just appears out of no where and I just wanna hide. Seldom out of those unexpected feelings a wrathful manifestation comes out and I get hurt and my heart breaks.
I'm sure my friends & family thinks it’s just me being silly, no one really understands that I hate this feeling. They'll never be able to actually see. I don’t blame them, I only snap, during those situations, when they ask me. I don’t mean to, but I can't help it. Later I feel empty and so sad and guilty for doing that. It's like a circle. I just can't win!

It's like I've lost my old self, the person I knew I was before; someone I liked. Now I'm just someone else and I'm not sure who. It scares me. I don’t know what I'll do or say next. I'm a different person and the old me has just gone, disappeared somewhere. I get so angry sometimes, so full of rage and it comes from nowhere! I don’t understand it. It really scares me. Though it’s not chronic, I am not sure what instigates it. Anyone else get that feeling too?
Is it possible to feel like a different person every so often that sometimes it makes you think who you are?!
Words that cannot be said, stream down the face :(