Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Have you ever wondered what made up promises? And what constitute to a promise? Is it the intention of the promisor? Maybe or maybe not. People (especially our generation) nowadays speak without considering the consequences... So, that's the root cause - I think. Speaking without ample considerations!
Speaking without the thoughts passing through the brain... And I think there are tons of people out there who do that. If we were to jail these so-called "innocent" speakers, I think half of the world's population will be thrown behind bars.
You may argue that there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But I guess that is exactly the reason why we feel heartbroken & crappy sometimes and just think of the long-term effects... As the habit of speaking without thoughts will become an undesirable trait of yours, and thus people around tend to ignore what you are trying to say, or treat them like dust particles in the air, words of not much importance. This is socially unwanted. It's not good for your reputation and your interpersonal life.

The worst scenario is that no one give you a damn, they simply walk away every time you open your mouth. It's just like a goldfish in the bowl. Silent.
So what's my point here? Why the agony? Well, simply from daily observations of conversations on Orkut and chatting loudly away on communities, I guess people think it's "stylo" to talk rubbish loudly. But deep down, I felt "degraded" by the substance of what their brain can store. One word - disgrace.
The simple way? Well, since I can't ignore these people, as some of them are really close to me, the simple way is to pray hard that this bunch of people are only outliers in our population and can be healed. Though I totally understand that they just don’t totally mean what they just said, I still have some hope that they *really* meant what they just said and were not some soothing words for my consolation.
But why I personally find it complicated? The only reason is: we are dealing with human beings here. Humans are the most complicated creatures that have been roaming on the face of the earth for millions of years now. Anyway, I think its life too. No one is perfect. Or rather there is no perfection in this cruel planet, Earth. Maybe aliens are perfect. I will let you know when I happen to meet one :P
Though I personally have a long way to go to achieve that, for some reason, I tend to respect a 'man of few words' more than my innate talkative 'self'. I can't help it, but believe that if your actions spoke louder then you would be a better person. I have always been impressed by the man whose actions and accomplishments spoke volumes about him.